5 Ways To Combat Stress At Your Workplace
Studies suggest more than 50 % of the workforce in America suffer from stress . Some factors behind stress are excessive workload, unrealistic deadlines , low salary, lack of growth or unclear performance expectations . Some workplace stress is normal but excessive stress can affect your professional as well as personal life. It is one of the major factors why organizations across the country are seeing a massive employee turnover rate. It is important to combat workplace stress as it can affect personal efficiency and overall organisational productivity. With these tips strike that perfect balance at your workplace and channel the inner zen within.
- Watch what you eat or drink
It is said that ‘eat your breakfast like a King’ – this will help you stay alert and energetic throughout the day, leading to increased productivity . It is highly recommended that you stay away from junk food, coffee, tea, cigarettes and alcohol. These are stress multipliers.
2. Take breaks every hour
One of the best ways to overcome stress is to take breaks regularly, for 5-10 mins. During this time you could go out for a brisk walk to clear your mind. You can stare into nature, which helps brings calmness within. You can also use this time to do some deep breathing which helps relax the overall body – mind.
3. Listen to music through the day
Spending hours in traffic amidst honking cars, going through multiple intense meetings and client brief on a daily basis out can even make the sanest of man go insane. Listening to music in the middle of such chaos helps you cut off from the madness. Take time out to listen to music. Make custom playlists for various activities through the day and you may soon notice a significant decrease in stress levels.
4. Find out what makes you feel stressed
Try to make sense of what worries you (deadlines, productivity, time utilization etc.), also the focus must be on how to react to these stress factors. An easy way to identify your stress is to find a mentor in your workplace, the person could be your manager or someone that you look up to at work place. The mentor will observe you on a daily basis and can help you deal with stress.
5. Avoid Workplace Conflict
In a dynamic workplace arguments among colleagues is hard to not cross paths with. Though it is unavoidable at times, being diplomatic is the key. Avoid being a part of heated conversation or any kind of gossip around the work place. Always keep calm and focus on your client deliverables. .
Healthy and happy people are always more productive. Itt is important to know what is stressing you out, draw certain boundaries to avoid such stressers and hopefully you nib the problem in the bud with our tips.